Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Various Pit Bulls

on Chinese Menus no more.

Thank you Michael Vick!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

2007's Greatest Sporting Moment of the Year

So, i'm watching Nathan's 2007 hot dog eating contest......this was easily the best sporting moment of the year!! They hyped up the 6 time champion Kobyashi (sp?) who had a tooth pulled recently but the good old American Mr. Chestnut wasn't buying into it....the world record from last year was from Kobe (!) who ate like 53 dogs (12 minute contest)...this year Chestnut started off strong and had a 8-9 dog lead at one point, but then, he always goes out ahead and Kobe's machine like chewing allows a comeback.....(NOTE: Chestnut uses the Chipmunk style of forcing whole dogs in his mouth as opposed to Kobe, who uses the partial method of dogs, then bread, usually in pairs, before getting the 'eaten' count)....BOTH guys easily almost lap the field and with about 2 minutes left slow down (as does everyone...), BUT, they BOTH had busted the record and Kobe even ties Chestnut! Coney Island is stompin', and the fans don't stop rockin' the good ol' U.S.of A.....If you've ever seen Chestnut it's disgusting to watch him eat as he looks like he's crying while he hops around trying to pound the food down.....With 10 seconds left the crowd is hysterical (More than any NBA game this year, save the Golden State series)...and KOBE TIES !!!!!....remember their eating styles??? Well, they both tied with new world records, 66 dogs (+buns), down.....Chestnut's mouth is closed at the 1 second mark.......Kobe has his hands in front of his face...and at the 1 second mark VOMITS. AWESOME!! Now, being the champion Kobe is, he CONTINUE'S TO EAT, VOMIT AND ALL........this is Fuckin' A+ OUTSTANDING.....I can't say enough how competitive this, too close to goes to judges....and to kill any excitement.......COMMERCIAL BREAK.....fuckers!!! And when we come back, the judges are going through the rules, and have to not include Kobe's dogs and/or fine him a dog or 2 or something (they weren't clear on this; the judges were even looking at what bread/dog amount he expelled while vomiting) so the USA wins in a last second dramatic vomiting episode......what more can you ask for??

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Clearly it's time for a change....

I believe that we should now refer to Chris Benoit as "The Canadian Strangler".

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Basketball Feel Good Wisdom...

For those of you who need a sports pick-me-up....

Redskins Area Losers

Sunday, April 29, 2007

CCRC Story of the Day: Marketing People are Evil Edition

Oh, this one's a beaut!
Sony used a freshly slaughtered goat to promote the company's new violent video game for its PlayStation 2 console, the Daily Mail reported.

The dead animal's still-warm corpse was used as the highlight and centerpiece during a launch party for "God of War II."

Sony challenged guests to reach inside the goat's carcass and eat offal, which were bought elsewhere and intended to resemble the animal's entrails.
But wait, it gets better! Not only did they pull this Ozzy-esque stunt, they publicized it!
The company then further caused outrage when it used images from the party in its official PlayStation magazine. After being contacted by The Daily Mail, however, Sony issued an apology and promised to recall the materials.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

What a shock!

The Detroit Lions have drafted a wide receiver with their first round draft selection! Who'da thunk it?!